
Monday, 12 September 2016

Multiselect using jquery chosen plugin

Multiselect dropdownlist with jquery chosen plugin:

ActionResult at controller:

public ActionResult ChosenMultiselect()
            return View();

 Json data to bind dropdown:

        public ActionResult ListCountries()

            List<string> category = new List<string>();
            StringBuilder sb=new StringBuilder();
            for (int i = 0; i <10; i++)
                string country="Country"+i;
                    sb.Append("<option value="+country+ ">"+country+"</option> ");
            return Json(sb.ToString(), JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);



    ViewBag.Title = "ChosenMultiselect";

<script src="~/Scripts/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script>
<link href="@Url.Content("~/Content/MultiSelect/chosen.css")" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="@Url.Content("~/Content/MultiSelect/chosen.jquery.js")"></script>

    jQuery(document).ready(function () {
        jQuery(".chosen").data("placeholder", "Select a Category...").chosen();
    $(document).ready(function (event) {

        var url = '@Url.Action("ListCountries", "Home")';

            $.getJSON(url, function (options) {
            $("#btnSearch").click(function () {
    <div class="selectBox">

        <select class="chosen" id="ddlcountry" multiple="true" style="width: 210px; height: 42px" name="country">
        <input type="button" id="btnSearch" value="Search" />


Thursday, 1 September 2016

Disable Datepicker dates based on database list using JQUERY

To disable datapicker date getting from db shown below

Getting dates list from db using ajax call

  $(document).ready(function () {
            $("#ContentPlaceHolder_Body_ddlBlock").change(function () {

            var holidays;
            function getdates() {
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "Dates.aspx/GetDatesArray",
                    data: '',
                    dataType: "json",
                    contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
                    success: function (data) {
                        holidays = data.d;
                        localStorage.setItem("Holidays", holidays);

            var holidaysList = localStorage.getItem("Holidays");
            if (holidaysList != null && holidaysList != "") {
             var holidays = holidaysList.toString().split(',');
                $("# txtDate").datepicker({
                    changeMonth: true,
                    changeYear: true,
                    dateFormat: 'yy-mm-dd',
                    beforeShowDay: function (date) {
                        show = true;
                        if (date.getDay() == 0) { show = false; }//No Weekends
                        for (var i = 0; i < holidays.length; i++) {
                            if (new Date(holidays[i]).toString() == date.toString()) { show = false; }//No Holidays
                        var display = [show, '', (show) ? '' : 'No Weekends or Holidays'];//With Fancy hover tooltip!
                        return display;

            else {


webmethod in .cs file

        public static List<string> GetDatesArray()
            string consString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["constr"].ConnectionString;
                DataSet Sqlds = new DataSet();
                using (SqlConnection sqlCon = new SqlConnection(consString))
                    using (SqlCommand sqlCmd = new SqlCommand("select * from table", sqlCon))

                        SqlDataAdapter sqlDa = new SqlDataAdapter(sqlCmd);

                List<string> strPH = new List<string>();

                foreach (DataRow row in Sqlds.Tables[0].Rows)

                    DateTime Dt = Convert.ToDateTime(row["d"].ToString());
                    //strPH.Add(String.Format("{0:MM/dd/yyyy}", Dt));

                    strPH.Add((Dt.ToString("M/d/yyyy")).Replace("-", "/"));

                return strPH;
            catch (Exception ex)
                throw ex;


Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Lightslider Example

Light slider example

In view:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>lightSlider Demo</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
    <meta name="description" content="">
    <link href="~/src/css/lightslider.css" rel="stylesheet" />
        ul {
            list-style: none outside none;
            padding-left: 0;
            margin: 0;

        .demo .item {
            margin-bottom: 60px;

        .content-slider li {
            background-color: #ed3020;
            text-align: center;
            color: #FFF;

        .content-slider h3 {
            margin: 0;
            padding: 70px 0;

        .demo {
            width: 800px;
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src="~/src/js/lightslider.js"></script>
        $(document).ready(function () {
                loop: true,
                keyPress: true
                gallery: true,
                item: 1,
                thumbItem: 9,
                slideMargin: 0,
                speed: 500,
                auto: true,
                loop: true,
                onSliderLoad: function () {
    <div class="demo">
        <div class="item">
            <div class="clearfix" style="max-width: 474px;">
                <ul id="image-gallery" class="gallery list-unstyled cS-hidden">
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-1.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-1.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-2.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-2.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-3.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-3.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-4.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-4.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-5.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-5.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-6.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-6.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-7.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-7.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-8.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-8.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-9.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-9.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-10.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-10.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-11.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-11.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-12.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-12.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-13.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-13.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-14.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-14.jpg" />
                    <li data-thumb="/img/thumb/cS-15.jpg">
                        <img src="~/img/cS-15.jpg" />


The output like below:

For slick Slider view the link below